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Introducing Dr. Kelsie Tipton

Through my teenage years I was immersed in the dance world of Whangarei. Throughout my time dancing I witnessed people with many different injuries and issues. This is when I first discovered Chiropractic. The idea that the body is intelligent and has an innate ability to heal really resonated with me. I then endeavoured to study Chiropractic and after five years of study, I emerged with a Bachelor of Chiropractic degree from the New Zealand College of Chiropractic, graduating with an Academic Merit Award. Since then I have worked in both Auckland and Whangarei and am now excited to join the team at Mudgway Chiropractic.

I am thrilled to be taking the opportunity to work alongside Dean and Emma and be part of an already successful team. I look forward to continuing to build an exciting and diverse practice here at Mudgway!

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